3 Days Masai Mara Big Five Safari

  • 3-days-masai-mara-big-five-safari



The Maasai Mara National Reserve is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Kenya. Nowhere in Africa is wildlife more abundant and its for this reason that your Safari won’t be complete without a visit to the land of breathtaking vistas, abundant wildlife and endless plains. No wonder it was voted the best park in Africa by the latest World Travel Awards. It was also named as the new Seventh Wonder Of the World by a poll of experts conducted by ABC Good Morning America.

A three day masai mara safari is a short trip for people that may not have a lot of time but still want to immerse themselves into the marvels of a game drive. A 3 days masai mara safari includes a full day game drive on the second day where you will see lots of animals including the big five and the more than 3 million other animals here.

Kenya Safaris:


  • Big Five Animals
  • Highest population of wildlife and Rich game drives
  • Highest concentration of big cat predators
  • Wildebeest Migration when in season
  • Masai People and their Unique Culture
  • Indescribable African Sunsets against the gentle plains

With more than 1510sqkm of grass, pasture and undulating plains, Masai mara game reserve is the world’s best game drive destination. The wide open spaces with uninterrupted views and the gently sloping savannah grassland plains coupled with the highest population of plains game that number more than 3 million; makes Masai mara the world’s seventh wonder. Masai mara is undisputedly the most rewarding game viewing destination the world over. There is the highest number of big cats that one can see in one location. The great wildebeest migration, that involves more than 1.5million wildebeest, zebras and gazelles crossing over 3,000km of terrain, makes Masai mara an even bigger phenomena. Nothing prepares you enough for the Masai mara!!!

Day 1

Nairobi to Masai Mara Game Reserve

Driving Distance: 280km (5hrs.30 min)

Game Drive Hours: 3hrs

Meals: Lunch and Dinner

Accommodation: Luxury lodge

Our amiable driver guide will pick you up from your city hotel for the masai mara game reserve 3 days safari. You will drop into the great rift valley through the meandering and scenic road on the Eastern escarpment of the rift. Make a short 10 minutes scheduled stop over at the escarpment to learn about how and when the rift valley was created.

You will drive through the floor of the great rift and up onto the western escarpment and later dropping into the Loita Masai mara plains. Arrive at the Masai mara safari lodge at 13:00hrs and check in. Later enjoy a sumptuous 3 course buffet lunch while watching the plains. Retire to your rooms for an afternoon siesta and to relax from the drive.

An evening game drive at 1600hrs introduces you to the Masai mara proper where you can now see al the animals grazing in the plains and the lions and leopards lazing away from the sun after having their fill for the day. Continue with the game drive until dusk with an off chance of seeing a lion kill or a cheetah hunt. Dinner and overnight at the lodge after a great day of game drive.

Day 2

Masai Mara Game Reserve

Driving Distance: 150km (Full Day)

Game Drive Hours: 7-10hrs

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Accommodation: Luxury lodge

You second day is the climax of your masai mara visit. You will be out all day game viewing or following the wildebeest migration. You will be awoken by the chanting of the birds and the laughing of the hyenas just before dawn. Enjoy a full breakfast and take in as much as you can…its going to be a long one.

Depart the lodge at 7:30am for a full day game drive with packed lunch boxes. You will drive to the mara river with enroute game drives as you view the wildlife in the plains in the early morning. A circling swarm  of vultures in the sky indicates a kill and the hyenas will most likely be making a beeline dash to the kill. It will do you good to make a small detour to be at a lion kill.

Arrive at the mara river and depending on the season, watch as the thousands of wildebeests drop into the water in a splsh as they try to beat the raging floods and the marauding 18ft nile crocodiles. The lions, cheetahs and leopards have also formed a welcoming committee on the opposite bank to snatch the unaware victims. Its high drama at high noon at the mara river wildebeest migration crossing.

Enjoy a picnic lunch by the river mara and later an afternoon game drive enroute back to the lodge. Arrive at the lodge late evening for a welcome showers, dinner and overnight stay. Remember to charge your camera batteries and clear your camera memory sticks, you will need more of that.

Day 3

Masai Mara Game Reserve to Nairobi

Driving Distance: 280km (5hrs.30min)

Game Drive Hours: 3hrs

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch

Early morning rise up to the golden azure of the masai mara sun rays and the glittering drops of dew at the grass tips and to the singing birds and roaring lions of the mara. Have a cup of coffee before sauntering into the game drive plains at 0630am for a one last look around for the rare game.

It’s the best time to see a leopard kill or a rock python smothering an antelope. Enjoy a game drive in the crisp but chirpy morning chill and welcome sun rays. This is the time all the action happens…so keep your eyes peeled and ears batted. You don’t want to miss anything.

Later return to lodge at 9:30 for a full breakfast and check out for Nairobi with an enroute picnic lunch.

Drop off in Nairobi in the afternoon at 1600hrs at the JKIA airport or your hotel in the city.

End of Tour

Cost of Tour: Usd ………..Per person

Tour Cost Includes

  • Park entrance fees
  • Transport in a Safari Minivan or 4×4 Land cruiser
  • Services of a professional English/Spanish/Italian/French Speaking Driver guide
  • All accommodation in a luxury lodge
  • All Government Taxes and Levies
  • All meals as per itinerary

Excluded from the Cost

  • Items of a personal Nature
  • Tips and gratuities to Guides
  • Beverages and Drinks


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