5 Days Nakuru Masai Mara Safari

  • 5-days-nakuru-masai-mara-safari


Departing from Nairobi, this 5 day lodge Masai mara and Lake Nakuru safari takes you to a majestic tour down and up into the Great rift valley and into the Loita plains of the masai people.

Explore two of Kenya’s premier national game parks- Masai mara and Lake Nakuru National Parks on exciting game viewing drives in a five day adventure trip.

This luxury safari of game drive in the world famous Masai mara, home to over 3 million animals and the great annual wildebeest migration  that involves over 500,000 wildebeests, quarter a million zebras and gazelles. Lake Nakuru is also an important bird sanctuary known for its more than 1 million flamingos and hundreds of other birds. The Nakuru park is also a sanctuary for rhinos and Rothschild giraffes.

Day 1: Nairobi – Lake Nakuru –Kenya

This Masai Mara and lake Nakuru lodge safari starts from Nairobi at 8:00am travelling north westwards through the Great Rift Valley and into the valley floor. We will make a stopover at the great rift valley view point to take in the majestic rift valley floor and the volcanic mountains and lakes. Drive on to the Mau escarpment and into the loita plains of masai mara.

Check into the Sarova Mara camp and enjoy a sumptuous buffet lunch to your fill. Enjoy an afternoon siesta until 4:00pm when its time for an evening game drive in the magnificent mara. Enjoy a 2.5hr game drive until dusk and return to the Sarova camp for dinner and overnight stay.

Day 2: Masai Mara Game Reserve

Go on an early morning game drive at 6:00am to look out for the BIG FIVE animals including the Lions, Elephants, Leopards, Buffalos, Rhinos and the many others. You will see the giraffes, zebras, gazelles, wildebeests, hyenas, cheetahs and many others in your early morning sojourn.

Retunr to the camp and enjoy a buffet breakfast at 8:00am. Later depart for a full day game drive with packed lunch boxes. Enjoy the bush lunch by the mara river as you watch the Crocodiles and Hippos at the river crossing. The wildebeest river crossing stampede is particularly and interesting event.

Later return to the Sarova camp for dinner and overnight. (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)

Day 3: Masai Mara Game Reserve

Full day at the masai mara game reserve watching more animals in the expansive game park. Be sure to look out for the BIG CATS like the leopards which can be very elusive. Enjoy long hours of game drive and the endless tales from our experienced driver guides.

Dinner and overnight at the Sarova Camp. (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner)

Day 4: Masai Mara – Lake Nakuru National Park

Enjoy a breakfast and later drive on for a morning game drive until 10:00am. Its time to depart masai mara for lake nakuru national park driving through the loita plains back into the great rift valley floor. Arrive at the Sarova lion hill lodge in nakuru park and check in. Enjoy a buffet lunch and go on a swim or an early afternoon siesta. Game drive in the afternoon until dusk. Dinner and overnight at the lodge. (Breakfast, lunch and dinner)

Day 5: Lake Nakuru National Park  – Nairobi

Early morning game drive and return to lodge for fresh breakfast. Later go on for a final game drive as you depart the lake nakuru national park for the drive to Nairobi.

Drop off at you Nairobi hotel or the JKIA airport.

End of tour

Tour Price Includes:

  • Full board accommodation whilst on safari.
  • Meal plan as described, B=Breakfast, L=Lunch and D=Dinner.
  • Accommodation in double/twin/triple room sharing.
  • All park entrance fees to include government taxes and service of an english speaking professional driver/guide.
  • Game drives as detailed in the itinerary.
  • Exclusive transport in a safari tour bus 4 x 4 with a game viewing roof hatch and UHF radio.
  • Recommended Mineral Water while on safari

Things you need to budget for. The price does not include:

  • Tips
  • Laundry
  • Drinks

Items of a personal natur

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